Thursday, January 11, 2018

Five Months!

I know I say this every month, but I can hardly believe another month has come and gone!  Lyla and Archer turned 5 months old on January 3, 2018.  They both are getting so big and are so freaking cute.  (I realize I might be a bit biased.)  But seriously, look at this photographic evidence of their cuteness!  

Lyla continues to be a little ham whenever I take pictures, while Archer continues to stare blankly at me.  Despite what Archer's expression might convey, both babies are full of smiles throughout most of the day.  We've started putting them to bed earlier in the evening to bypass that whole "witching hour" most babies seem to have and our evenings have been full of more smiles too.

Ever since the change in routine during our travels during Christmastime and getting over a nasty stomach bug, they haven't been sleeping through the night like they used to.  I knew it was too good to be true, but they still get in some good stretches of sleep, which means I do too.  

Lyla is a busy, busy girl!  She is always looking around and wants to move, move, move!  She rolls all around the floor and is just dying to be able to move more freely on her own.  She wiggles all around when you hold her and would prefer you walk around while she's in your arms.  I've taken to wearing her front-facing in the Ergobaby carrier and am able to get more household stuff done while also keeping her entertained.  She is becoming more vocal and loves to "chat" with us.  She's also started to laugh and is ticklish under her arms and on her thighs.    

Archer has discovered blowing raspberries and his feet this month.  He loves to grab hold of his tootsies and is pretty darn flexible!  He is also getting more vocal and has learned to screech rather loudly, but happily.  Quite frankly, I prefer his sweet little coos to the screeches.  We've been working on some stretches to help with his torticollis (a condition in which the neck muscles contract, causing the head to twist to one side) and he's showing big improvements!  The only time he hangs his little head now is when he's sleepy or not feeling well.   

Both Archer and Lyla are big fans of their Johnny Jumper they got from Grandma.  They love the freedom and to bounce around.  We hung it in our kitchen, so I can stick one of them in there while I make bottles or attempt to fix dinner.  

They love to look at each other.  I put them on the floor next to each other and they can entertain themselves for quite a while.  Generally Archer just lies there smiling at Lyla while Lyla walks up Archer and ends up with her feet in his face.  Archer has been big on flailing his arms around and continues to accidentally smack Lyla in the face.  At least I think it's accidental.  

They really are best buddies and I am so excited to see how their bond continues to grow.  I love them both so very, very much!  

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