I found out I was pregnant on Valentine's Day in 2012. I was so excited to tell Adam about it! I wrapped up the positive pregnancy test in a little gift bag and gave it to him right before we went out to eat. Now every year that Valentine's Day rolls around, both Adam and I are reminded of the fact that we never got to meet our baby. While we try to focus on our love for each other on Valentine's Day, we can't help but feel sadness about losing our baby.
Our due date was close to Halloween. So now Halloween serves as yet another reminder that we lost our baby. It doesn't help that Halloween is all about cute kids dressing up. Adam always comes home bummed on the day in October when his work hosts all the employees' kids for trick or treating around the office.
Christmas is rough, too. It seems that one family member or another is always pregnant or recently had a baby. Seeing all our cousins around our age with their growing families at family gatherings is just plain hard. It's not that we're not happy for them or that we don't wish them all the absolute best in life. They simply serve as reminders that we don't have the one thing we want more than anything.
It makes it more difficult because we feel pressure to feel happy about the holidays and family gatherings. Sometimes I feel like I should have won an Oscar by now for some of the acting I have had to do.
And after feeling sorry for ourselves, it inevitably leads to guilt. We have so many things in our lives to be thankful for: each other, our health, our jobs, our home, our sweet Jazzy and the list goes on. We feel guilty that we can't seem to focus on all those wonderful parts of our lives.
But you know what? All those feelings are normal. Even though it feels like we're alone in feeling them sometimes, I know there are other people who feel the exact same way. My goal in writing this post is not to be a Debbie Downer or take away anyone's holiday cheer. I simply want to shed some light on the topic and let anyone struggling know they are not the only ones.
I wish those struggling with infertility this holiday season loads of hope! Hope for getting through the low points of the season. Hope for reaching out and asking for help if you need it. And hope for happier holidays in the future.