Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Seven Months!

Seven months old sounds so old!  Archer and Lyla are practically in college!  Each month brings about a huge amount of milestones and heaps more fun!  I am trying to really soak up each and every moment with these two sweethearts. 

Both Lyla and Archer are generally pretty happy.  They only times they get grumpy is when they are tired or hungry.  I love to watch each of their personalities come through as they continue to get older.  A perfect example is when we recently introduced puffs to them.  Lyla will reach for the puff in my hand with her hands, try to hold it in her fingers and bring it to her mouth.  She's a smart girl and is definitely independent.  She likes to do things on her own.  Archer simply leaned forward and and ate the puff directly from my hand.  He's equally smart, but is good about finding the simplest means to an end while expending the least amount of energy.  The two crack me up!  

They are both really into all the different baby foods we've tried.  We've even ventured into actual solid foods, like bananas and toast.  I always said I was going to make all my babies' food before I had kids.  Then I had kids.  I realized it's far simpler to just buy the handy packs of baby food at the store.  Maybe I'll get around to it one of these days.  Jazzy is also a fan of all the different baby foods.  She gets to lick the containers once the babies are finished with them.  

They are both getting more and more active.  It's getting trickier to take pictures of them.  They both want to be on the move.  Lyla is so close to crawling.  She can scoot on her belly quite well and can even crawl a bit backwards, but she still hasn't figured out how to move both her arms and her legs together.  I ordered some baby gates from Amazon the other day and I am crossing my fingers they arrive before Lyla figures out how to crawl!  Archer is good about pushing himself up on his arms and can get his legs underneath himself, but he's not quite as motivated as Lyla.  Perhaps if I dangle some food in front of him he'd make a little more progress.  

Archer moved into his own room recently and is now taking all of his naps and sleeping at night in his room!  This is big progress and I think he really enjoys his own space now.  Sometimes he'll wake up from his naps and I will find him in his room just playing in his crib.  We've taken to tossing about 5 pacifiers in his crib with the hopes that he'll manage to get one in his mouth if he needs it at night.  I am so proud of him (& me) for being such a big boy and sleeping in his room all by himself!  

Archer has two teeth and likes to chew on all sorts of things.  His favorite thing to do is swing like Tarzan in his Johnny Jump Up.  He really gets swinging and one of these days he's going to run into the banister!  He's been more vocal lately and says all kinds of syllables like, "gee" and "da" and "ba."  He prefers not to be left alone in a room and makes sure I know it!  

Lyla is a busy girl!  She manages to move all over, despite not being able to crawl yet.  Whenever I leave her on the floor in the living room to do something in the kitchen or go to the bathroom, I am amazed at where I find her when I come back!  She is adept at picking up her toys and passing them from hand to hand.  She's also adept at taking whatever toy Archer is playing with out of his hands.  

Lyla loves to say "mmmmmm" as she is eating and doesn't like to wait her turn for food!  She has the cutest, chunkiest cheeks!  As the nurse who gave her the flu shot said, you'd never know she was a preemie!  She also has two teeth.  My favorite times with her are when we play in our bed after she wakes up from a nap.  She will snuggle with me a bit and will easily laugh when I tickle her neck or the backs of her thighs.    

I have a feeling next month I will be talking about how they are crawling all over the place!  Wish me luck! 

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