So, Adam and I have decided to try out another IUI. For those of you who don't know, an IUI is an Intrauterine Insemination. Basically, sperm is placed directly in the uterus. It takes out a step that the sperm has to make on its own by bypassing the cervix. A small catheter is put through the cervix and doctors send the sperm through the catheter. It gets the sperm closer to the Fallopian tubes where the eggs are located. And there's your anatomy lesson for the day.
The actual procedure is not painful and is very quick. It feels about the same as a pap smear. I usually have some minor cramping for the rest of the day and that's it. If I sound like I know what I'm talking about, it's because I do. Adam and I have been through 4 other IUIs. Why are we trying again? Well, both our acupuncturist and our fertility specialist think it is a good next step. It's been about a year since our last IUI attempt and we've done acupuncture since then. Everyone agrees it's worth trying a couple IUIs before moving towards more invasive and expensive options.
In addition to the IUI, I will also be taking Clomid which will increase the number of eggs that I release when I ovulate. Having more eggs released means an increased chance that one (or more) will get fertilized. Typically, women only release one egg each cycle. Taking Clomid will make 2-3 eggs release. While this does increase the chance of having twins or triplets, it's a relatively slim chance.
Clomid has some pretty crazy side effects. I took it for 3 of the 4 previous IUI cycles. It pretty much makes you crazy. Everyone and everything annoys you. You get hot flashes. It's just not pleasant. Poor Adam had to take the brunt of it. And also that car mechanic. I still feel bad about that...
Anyways, hopefully the Clomid and the IUI will result in a healthy pregnancy! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.