Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Getting a Second Opinion

Adam and I decided to get a second opinion from another infertility doctor.  While we don't really have anything too negative to say about our previous doctor, we just never really felt a strong connection to the doctor or the practice.  Perhaps that's because we never spent much time with the doctor.  

Adam has mentioned that he'd read if people aren't happy with the results they were getting with their infertility clinics, then they should try out another doctor.  It makes perfect sense.  People get second opinions all the time for lots of medical reasons.  So, we decided to try out a different practice.  

After hearing Dr. Brabec speak at the Kansas City Infertility Awareness conference, we were sold.  She seemed to genuinely care about what she does and seemed incredibly knowledgeable.  The fact that she came to speak at the conference which was held on a Saturday said a lot.  

So I called to set up an appointment in May and we went yesterday.  I have a much better feeling about Dr. Brabec and the staff we interacted with yesterday.  We spent 3 hours at Dr. Brabec's office yesterday and spoke with several different people.  In fact, we got to sit down and speak with Dr. Brabec for a good 30 minutes.  We had her undivided attention and I appreciated her realistic approach.  In addition to everyone being incredibly kind and compassionate with our situation, they also seemed professional and organized.    

We didn't exactly get the news we were hoping for.  I think both Adam and I hoped they would look over our records and do some new tests and find a reason why we weren't getting pregnant that could be easily (and inexpensively) fixed.  That hasn't been the case so far.  We seem to have a lot of little things that are not making it easy for us to conceive.  

While Dr. Brabec presented us with some options, her recommendation is to move forward with IVF.  After hearing about the process and the injections and the cost, our heads were spinning.  To say it was overwhelming would be an understatement.  I guess I never really thought we would have to end up at this point.  But here we are.  We have a big decision to make.  

I'm not going to lie.  IVF scares the crap out of me.  It sounds incredibly invasive and intense.  It is super expensive.  And of course there's no guarantee that we'll end up with a healthy baby when it's all said and done.  

But then I keep asking myself, "What if it works?  What if we do end up with a healthy baby?  Wouldn't that be worth it all?"  We are both thinking things over and not sure what to do.  I know we'll eventually come to the right decision for us.  But it's a hard place to be in right now.  I spent a good portion of our time at the doctor's office (and afterwards) crying.  My eyes are quite puffy today.  

In the meantime, we are having some bloodwork done and I am scheduled to do a SHG (Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram) tomorrow.  That's were the doctor fills your uterus up with saline so they can get a better look at your uterus.  I'm a bit nervous about it.  I had a similar test called an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) done a couple years ago and it was not pleasant.  It hurt and as the doctor was telling me how it went afterwards I started to feel like I was going to faint.  I had to interrupt him and tell him I needed to lie down.  The nurse I spoke with yesterday told me the SHG shouldn't be as bad as the HSG.  I'll be sure to let you know.  Until then, my face will look like this...

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