Hot Flashes
Being a younger woman, I've been lucky enough not to have to deal with hot flashes. That is until I took Clomid. I had heard of hot flashes and thought I knew what they were all about, but I have a whole new understanding now. During a hot flash, you obviously get very hot. But it doesn't stop there. Your face starts to burn and turn fire engine red. You start to sweat everywhere, especially if you are talking to unhelpful salespeople while trying on bridesmaid dresses. Trust me. And dealing with the hotness and redness and sweating only adds to the next side effect: irritability.

I consider myself a pretty even-tempered, patient person. It takes a lot to get me riled up. But watch out when I'm on Clomid! Even the tiniest thing can turn me into a raving lunatic. For example, Jazzy woke me up at 2:00 in the morning so she could go outside. Getting woken up in the first place started to annoy me. I waited a minute to see if Adam would wake up and let Jazzy out. No such luck. So that made me even crabbier. Then, once I let Jazzy out, she wouldn't come back in. So I had to go out in the snow in my slippers and herd her inside. Jazzy must have realized how angry I was when I got close to her because she made a mad dash for the door. By the time I got back inside I rivaled the Hulk's temper. Luckily, my moods swung around quite freely so I didn't stay angry at these small incidences for long.
Mood Swings

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be able to tell you where my ovaries are located. But I could certainly point them out to you while taking Clomid. Your stomach feels very full and bloated. And it is not pleasant when Jazzy walks across your stomach on the way to her spot on the couch.
As unpleasant as all these side effects are, they will be well worth it if I end up with a baby. Plus, you really appreciate it when you get back to your normal demeanor. Hopefully this was my last experience with Clomid!