Friday, June 26, 2015

4 Years

Yesterday was our four year anniversary.  While it wasn't the most exciting one, it will certainly be memorable. 

In some ways, it's hard to believe it's already been 4 years since we got married.  It feels like just yesterday it was our wedding day.  And in other ways, it feels like we've been married a lot longer than just four years.  We've been through a lot together.  We've been through exciting times, like buying a house.  We've been through heartbreaking times, like losing our baby girl.  We've been through happy times, like adopting Jazzy.  As much as I tried to imagine what it would feel like to be married, I really had no idea.  I didn't understand how much you could possibly love another person or how much you would need to lean on each other from time to time.  I didn't know about all the fun times in store or the devastation we would go through together.  I just knew I wanted to find out what marriage was all about with Adam.  I am incredibly lucky to be married to him. 

Our 4th anniversary was very steamy.  No, not that kind of steamy.  Steamy because it was like a sauna in our house since we're waiting on our air conditioner to be replaced.  I don't understand how there can be so many people needing air conditioners that there's a waiting list to pay lots of air conditioning companies lots of money.  Oh well, at least we'll get ours soon.  

Luckily, Adam's dad lives in town and we were able to take refuge in his house.  He's also been kind enough to lend me his extra car while we look for a new one to replace my transmission-failing car.  We are fortunate he's been so willing to help!  So we took Jazzy over to Adam's dad's house for a cool evening.

One of our anniversary celebration traditions is to watch our wedding ceremony.  We always seem to find something funny that we never noticed before.  And it's nice hear the advice our pastor gave us about marriage.  It's always a good reminder of what we should be focusing on.  

While this anniversary wasn't as glamorous as years past, we very much loved getting to spend it together with Jazzy.  We even ended up with some pretty good gifts this year.  I'm going to get Adam an air conditioner and he's going to get me a car.  

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