Wednesday, March 8, 2017

IVF: The Call

Ever since the embryo transfer, I was feeling pretty positive that I was pregnant.  I had a good feeling about how everything had gone so far and I felt like we had been in good hands with our fertility clinic. Besides, I felt like Adam and I were due for some good news.  I just felt like it should be our turn for some happy news.  

The 8 days we spent waiting seemed like an eternity.  It was hard to go on with our everyday lives knowing we had this big question mark up in the air.  

I'm not really a religious person (I tried to explain how I feel about religion and God in this post), but I sure did a lot of praying.  Adam came across these affirmations and they actually proved to be pretty helpful for both Adam and I.  I must admit, I did feel a bit silly saying or thinking some of them.  But it did give me some direction on things to say/think other than, "Please let me be pregnant.  Please let me be pregnant.  Please let me be pregnant."  

December 22, 2016, the day we would find out if we were pregnant, finally came around.  The lab at our fertility clinic was closed for the holidays, so I had to go to a different lab to get my blood drawn.  I went to the lab first thing that morning.  The gal who drew my blood said the results would be sent over to my doctor's office that day.  So we would know the results by the end of the day.  

Adam and I wanted to get the results together.  So we arranged for him to come home from work a bit early and call the clinic once we were together.  My school was already on winter break, so I wasn't at work that day.  I spent all day waiting to make that phone call.  

That day, I started to get nervous and question my positive thinking thus far.  What if the results were negative?  What would we do then?  Where would that leave us?  

Adam finally came home and we sat on the couch with Jazzy to make The Call.  The receptionist answered and said she would track down a nurse after we explained why we were calling.  It seemed to take a really long time.  Was it because it was bad news and the nurses were playing rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to break it to us?  Did they even have the results from the lab?

At last, one the nurses, Marci, said hello to us.  She didn't waste any time.  She said she had some good news for us and told us we were pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could literally feel the relief come off of Adam and I.  We were so happy and I think a bit in shock too.  We had waited for this good news for such a long time and not just the 8 days.  We had waited 3 and a half years.

The next step would be to have two more blood pregnancy tests to make sure my HCG levels were doubling every 3 days.  The first test showed my HCG level at 187.  The second was at 1779 and the third was at 4929.  After those 3 tests, it was safe to say I was pregnant!     

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