Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things They Don't Tell You About Being Married

Your husband will annoy you.

It is inevitable that your husband will do things that annoy the crap out of you.  I believe in the theory that everything has a place and things should be returned to that place.  Adam believes in the theory that as long as things make it near their place, that's good enough.  For example, Adam thinks if he gets his shoes close to the bin, it's close enough.  I believe the shoes should actually make it in the bin.  Here is some photographic evidence:

You will annoy your husband.  

Just as inevitable is the fact that you will do things that annoy the crap out of your husband.  For example, I like to turn on lights and leave them on.  If I am watching tv in the living room and go into the kitchen to get a snack, I leave the light on in the kitchen.  I might have to go back and get a drink.  By leaving the light on I have one less thing to do when I go back to the kitchen for a drink.  This means that when I hear the garage door open, I run around the house turning off lights.  Adam says I'm wasting money; I say I am being economical with my time.  

You'll take turns being the strong one.

I didn't really think about the need to take turns being strong for each other when I first got married.  I knew that we both agreed to be there for each other, but I didn't really understand what that meant until we lost our baby. I can't begin to tell you how much comfort Adam provided me with during that utterly sad time.  I think he even put aside his own grieving to be strong for me.  I am forever thankful for that.  I know one day I will get the chance to be the strong one for Adam.   

Your love for your husband will grow exponentially.  

When I think back to how I felt about Adam while we were dating or even after we first got married, it's nothing compared to how I feel about him now.  It's hard to put into words how very much I love Adam.  All of our experiences together have built upon one another and created this gigantic love.  I can only imagine how much I'll love him when we're old and wrinkly.    

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